
Recent publications and pre-prints


  1. NeurIPS
    Capturing cross-session neural population variability through self-supervised identification of consistent neuron ensembles
    Jude, Justin, Perich, Matthew G, Miller, Lee E, and Hennig, Matthias H
    Proceedings of the 1st NeurIPS Workshop on Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations 2022
  2. ICML
    Robust alignment of cross-session recordings of neural population activity by behaviour via unsupervised domain adaptation
    Jude, Justin, Perich, Matthew G, Miller, Lee E, and Hennig, Matthias H
    International Conference on Machine Learning 2022
    Hippocampal representations emerge when training recurrent neural networks on a memory dependent maze navigation task
    Jude, Justin, and Hennig, Matthias H.
    COSYNE 2022


  1. NeurIPS
    Targeted Neural Dynamical Modeling
    Hurwitz, Cole, Srivastava, Akash, Xu, Kai, Jude, Justin, Perich, Matthew, Miller, Lee, and Hennig, Matthias
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2021